Civil Engineering
The Department of Civil Engineering was started in 1957. The department offers UG & PG courses specializing in Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, and Structural Engineering. The department also offers adequate facilities for R&D work and thus provides a vital impetus in the growth of the state. Both undergraduate and postgraduates are trained in computer applications of Civil Engineering with the latest software. The students of the department actively pursue R&D under the guidance of faculty members funded by the state government.
- Vision
- Mission
- PEOs
- PSOs
- Faculty
- Newsletter
- Laboratories
- Teaching Materials
- Achievements
- FDP/ Workshop
- Department Tour
To facilitate the continuous enhancement of technical expertise in civil engineering with ethical and moral values to meet global challenges in the field of research and development for sustainable growth.
M1. Imparting advanced knowledge and modern technology.
M2. Promoting quality education, research, and consultancy for industrial and societal needs.
M3. Developing leadership qualities.
M4. Promoting human values, ethical and moral responsibility.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1: To provide technically efficient graduates with leadership quality.
PEO2: To pursue advanced knowledge in research and consultancy
PEO3: To make a competent and successful engineer by applying principles of science, mathematics, and modern tools.
PEO4: To accept the new challenges to solve multi-disciplinary projects in professional worlds with ethical and moral responsibilities.
Program-Specific Objectives (PSOs)
PSO1: Able to plan, analyze, design & execute, and maintain cost-effectiveness in civil engineering projects.
PSO2: Ability to conduct experiments and inculcate innovative ideas.
PSO3: Ability to use the existing and modern techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for civil engineering practice.

Dr. Jitu Kujur
Associate Professor & Head
B.Tech BIT Mesra, M.Tech BIT Mesra, Ph.D. IIT Delhi
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-7250980546
Area of Specialisation: Structural Engineering.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Shukla
Adjunct Professor
B. Tech BIT Sindri, MTech and PhD IIT Kanpur
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: +61 404453485,
Area of Specialization: Civil Engineering

Prof. (Dr.) U. K. Singh
B.E. M.I.T Manipal, Ph.D. BIT Sindri
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9431353428
Area of Specialisation: Environmental Engineering.

Dr. Maya Rajnarayan Ray
Associate Professor
B.E. & M.E. The M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat, Ph.D., IIT Guwahati
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-7376347366
Area of Specialization: Water Resources Engineering and Management

Dr. Brahmdeo Yadav
Associate Professor
B.Sc. Engg. BIT Sindri, M.Tech. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, Ph.D. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9430107213
Area of Specialisation: Geotechnical Engineering

Mr. Sheo Kumar
Associate Professor
B.Tech M.I.T Muzzafurpur, M.Tech BIT Sindri
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9431062790
Area of Specialisation: Structural Engineering

Prof. P.K Sharma
Associate Professor
B.E MACT Bhopal, MSc Engg. BIT Sindri
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9431724607
Area of Specialisation: Environmental Engineering

Dr. Nishikant Kisku
Assistant Professor
BSc. Engg MIT Muzzafarpur, M.Tech BIT Sindri, Ph.D. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9431755099
Area of Specialisation: Structural Engineering.

Dr. Komal Kumari
Assistant Professor
B.Tech MIT Muzaffarpur, M.Tech IIT Kharagpur, Ph.D. IIT Kharagpur
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-9641548779
Area of Specialisation: Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction at a Regional Scale, Optimization in Water Resources Systems.

Dr. Abhijit Anand
Assistant Professor
B.E. BIT Mesra, M.Tech IIT Guwahati, Ph.D. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Email: [email protected]
Vidwan ID: Vidwan | Profile Page (
Phone: +91-9078673607
Area of Specialisation: Numerical Modelling in Geotechnics, Mechanical Behaviour of Unsaturated Geomaterials, Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering.

Mr. Iqbal Sheikh
Assistant Professor
B.Tech BIT Sindri, M.Tech IIT Roorkee
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-8709770434
Area of Specialisation: Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering

Ms. Saroj Meena
Assistant Professor
B.Tech IIT Kharagpur, M.Tech IIT Kharagpur
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-6375709256
Area of Specialisation: Transportation Engineering (Pavement Design)

Mr. Prashant Malviya
Assistant Professor
B.Tech Kalasalingam University, M.Tech NIT Patna
Email: [email protected]
Vidwan ID:
Phone: +91-7505198506
Area of Specialisation: Utilization of mining wastes in enhancing engineering properties of soil, Consolidation modeling.
1-Structural Engineering Lab:
Structural Analysis subject being the backbone of Civil Engineering has one of the most sophisticated laboratory. Some of the high-performance equipment and machines here are: - Three Hinged Arch, Abrasion Testing Machine, Extensometer, U-Box test apparatus, Brinell Hardness Test apparatus ,and Rockwell Hardness Test apparatus.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. Jitu Kujur & Dr. Sumit Kumar
Location: Room No. C-2 (Ground Floor)
2-Building Construction and Material Lab:
One of the basic and most important laboratories related to Building Material Technology. Compression Testing Machine, Difference Size Sieve and sieve shaker machine, Pycnometer, Digital Balance Measuring Cylinder, Specific Gravity & Water absorption test apparatus with electronic balance are some of the most significant equipment and machines used in this laboratory.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. Nishikant Kisku & Prof. Saroj Meena
Location: Room No. C-6 (Ground Floor)
3-Concrete Lab:
Concrete is one of the fundamental Civil engineering materials that has a separate lab which consists of Compresssion Testing Machine, Pycnometer Digital Balance, Le-Chatarlier, Vicat Apparatus, Slump Cone, Rebound Hammer Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, Tiles Testing Machine, Tensile Testing Machine, Curing Chamber.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. Nishikant Kisku
Location: Room No. C-6 (Ground Floor)
4-Soil Mechanics Lab:
The Soil Mechanics Lab provides all necessary equipment for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research in soil mechanics and foundation engineering. The various equipment includes Pycnometer, Direct Shear Test apparatus Unconfined compaction test apparatus, Core Mould, I.S. sieve and sieve shaker, Casagrande’s apparatus, Weighing Balance, Proctor Mould & Hammer, Sand pouring cylinder and calibrating container, Permeameter, Electric Oven and Hydrometer.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. Krishna Murari & Dr. Bharmdeo Yadav
Location: Room No. C-22 (Ground Floor)
5-Computer Lab:
The computers in the lab contain a number of engineering software essential to complete all the essential work required in engineering courses. In this lab students can benefit from the computers, softwares, printers and other computer related equipments .Some of the latest software inculcated in the lab are AutoCAD, STAADPro, ETABS, MIDAS.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. Nishikant Kisku
Location: Room No. C-32 (First Floor)
6-Surveying Lab:
The Surveying Lab is equipped with all required instruments and tools that are helpful in overall understanding and practical knowledge for students. Chain, Tapes, Ranging Rod, Offset Rod, Optical Square, Cross staff, Prismatic Compass, Dumpy Level, Theodolite, Alidade, Trough Compass, Spirit Level, U Fork, Plane Table , Tripod Stand are some of the instruments that students use throughout the surveying course.
Location: Room No. C-32 (First Floor)
7-Environmental Engg. Lab:
Environmental Engineering Lab is one of the most important laboratory of the Civil Engineering Department where the students perform experiments and lab work related to environmental engineering courses. The lab consists of advanced instruments needed for water, wastewater and air quality analysis.
Autoclave, Micro-processor & soil analysis Kit ,Funnel Beaker, Dessicator, Weighing Machine, Hot Air Oven are some the major equipments present in the Lab.
Lab In-Charge: Dr. P K Sharma
Location: C-26 (First floor)
8-Geology Lab:
UV-Visible spectrometer, BOD Incubator, pH, Conductivity meter, Microscope, Rock Hammers, Brunton Compass, Mohs scale of hardness box, thin section, Grinding, Polishing machines, Grain sampling are some of the high-end equipment in the Geology lab.
Professor & Head: Prof. (Dr.) P.K.Singh
Location: Geology Deptt. (Ground floor)
9-Transportation & Highway Engineering Lab:
The various equipments that the lab inculcates are Crushing Testing Machine (Cylinder and plunger with base plate), Deval Apparatus, Dorry Abrassion Machine, Flakiness and elongation of different size, Penetrometer, Ductility Apparatus, Impact Testing Machine.
Lab In-Charge: Prof. Saroj Meena
Location: Room No. C-6 (Ground Floor)
- NBA accreditation for the year 2021-2023.
- It has one of the most recognized Material Testing Lab in the Eastern Zone.
- Best M.Tech award for the year 2004 awarded by AICTE.
- Students in Govt. Sectors: More than 70% students are selected in various Govt. jobs like UPSC, Statof e PSCs, PSUs, SSCs etc.
- Ms. Chanda Bharti, AIR 2 (BPSC-2021)
- Ms. Prachi Apoorva, AIR 18 (BPSC-2022)
- Mr.Kundan Kumar,IFS,2009.
- Mr. Anand Mohan, PDIL, Delhi.
- Dr. Sanjay Shukla, Edith Cowan University, (Australia)
- Civil Engineering Society (ACEBITS) is an assortment of individuals who aim to acquaint you with the latest trends in the Civil Engineering Field.
Karan Raj Mehta (2016-20 batch), Founder & CEO “Milo Doctor” (Previously Yu Medic) which is a healthcare service providing company that is making healthcare more accessible in tier 2-3 cities of the country.
S. No. | Year | Date of Event | Details |
1 | Water Resources System Planning, Management and Development for the Water Scarce Area | 26th – 30th June 2021 | |
2 | Deterioration Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of RC Structures | 25th – 29th October 2021. | |
3 | Groundwater challenges in India & way forward | 22nd March 2022 | |
5 | Philosophy of Earthquake Resistant Design | 15th Sept 2022 | |
6 | |||
7 | World Water Day :Accelerating Change | 22nd March 2023 | |
8 | Industry Institute Interaction Program | 16th April 2023 | |
9 | |||
10 | Engineers Day: Innovation and Sustainability | 15th Sept 2023 | |
11 | Behaviour of soft soil reinforced with stone column | 8th Dec 2023 | |
12 | Career opportunities in Real Estate, Construction & Finance Management for Civil Engineering | 6thJanuary 2024 | |
13 | Challenges and career oppotunities in the current scenario” on organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, BIT Sindri | 12thJanuary 2024 | |
14 | Platinum Jubilee Lecture Series on “Insights into characterizing material” on organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, BIT Sindri | 18thJanuary 2024 | |
15 | Engineering solutions for a sustainable world | 4th March 2024 | |
16 | One-Day Workshop on “Research Practice and Publication” on April 7, 2024 | 7th April 2024 | |
17 | A One-Day Course on “Mining Projects with Geosynthetics” on April 10, 2024 | 10th April 2024 | |