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  • Vision
  • Mission
  • PEOs
  • PSOs
  • Faculty
  • Features
  • Laboratories

To be in forefront in producing qualitative, competitive & productive graduates trained in the latest technologies in the area of Computer Science & Engineering.

  • To offer the state of the art of UG, PG and Doctoral programs.
  • To provide quality engineering education to the students through state of art of education in computer science & engineering.
  • To establish industry institute interaction to make students ready for the industrial environment.
  • To provide a learning environment to improve their problem solving abilities, professional, and ethical responsibilities.
  • To provide the environment for grooming up as productive professional.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

       PEO1: Graduates will contribute to unified professional fields such as software development, hardware development, and embedded system design.

       PEO2: To facilitate well trained, highly talented, ethical, sensitive to environment and competitive technical human resources who will contribute in the development of allied industries and related economy.

       PEO3: To exhibit leadership capability, triggering socio-economic commitment, inculcate community services with awareness of protecting environment.

       PEO4: The graduates will be motivated to start their own enterprises and create employment for other professionals.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs)

      PSO1: To provide software solutions by applying suitable mathematical analysis and algorithms to industry and society with integrity and ethics.

      PSO2: To be able to understand and analyze the functionalities of hardware and software of computer systems.

      PSO3: To be adaptive to new technologies and tools in the designing of new software’s by applying the knowledge of software development lifecycle and methodologies of software systems

Dr. S C Dutta

Name : Dr. Subhash  Chandra Dutta, Head of the Department
Designation: Associate Professor  
Specialization : Computer Science & Engineering
Phone Number : +91-9431379679
Email ID : [email protected] , [email protected]
Research Areas : Networking, Programming, Security, Web scripting
Office Address : IT Building, First Floor, Dept. CSE, Room No: F-28

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Name: Mr. A.G.P. Kujur
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email ID:  [email protected]
Phone Number: +91-9471161624
Research Area: Web Technology

Name: Mr. Khustar Ansari

Designation: Assistant Professor

Email ID: [email protected]

Phone Number: +91-9525758897

Research Area: Image Processing with Deep Learning

Name: Mr. Deepak Kumar Ravi
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email ID:  [email protected]
Phone Number: +91-9308391771
Research Area: Software Engineering, Web Development

Name: Mr. Jitendra Kumar 

Designation: Assistant Professor

Email ID: [email protected]

Phone Number: +91-7209570181

Research Area: Cyber Security, Machine Learning

Tapan Kumar Nayak
Name: Tapan Kumar Nayak 
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Email id: [email protected]
Phone Number: +91-9337661692
Office Address: IT Building, First Floor       Dept. CSE, Room No: F-24
Qualification: M. Tech CSE, PhD (pursuing)
Research Area: Medical Image Processing with Deep Learning.
Name: Vikash Kumar Singh
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Email id: [email protected]
Phone Number:+91-8109535766
Office Address: Room No: F-20, Dept. CSE
Qualification: M. Tech 
Area of Specialization: Information security, cryptography, Computer Organization and    Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Network.
Name: Bhawesh Kumar
Email id: [email protected]
Phone Number: 8210224660
Area of Specialization: Machine Learning
  • Well equipped lab for operating system, DBMS, Computer Networking, Soft Computing and Software Engg. All the labs are connected through LAN
  • Microprocessor interfacing toolkits NT/Windows 2000 servers
  • A full-fledged Seminar Hall with LCD and Overhead Projector
  • Department has its own Library, which comprises latest books, magazines and Journals on latest topics.
  • Alumni and delegates are regularly invited in interaction sessions held by the society.
  • MOU and expert teaching from ISM Dhanbad and BIT Mesra.
  • Several Govt. Projects undertaken by Students (GIS, e-Governance, e-Swarojgar).
  • A student’s chapter of computer society of India has been installed for training on various languages like JAVA, PHP, ASP, VB and .NET & Databases like ORACLE, MySQL, MS SQL Server.
  • Analog Lab
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Networks
  • D.B.M.S. Lab
  • Electronic Workshop
  • Instrumentation Lab
  • Microprocessor Lab
  • Software Engineering
  • Operating System Lab
  • Advance Programming Lab
  • Digital Lab
  • Soft Computing Lab
  • Compiler Design Lab
  • Artificial Intelligence Lab