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Electrical Engg. Society


EES serves as a student-professor-alumni interaction platform guiding the students to their goals and helping them in catastrophic circumstances.

There is a total of 7 teams in EES. Following are the details:-

1) Alumni Interaction team –

It enhances the reach of our department with its Alumni and maintains a proper database by frequently contacting them.

2) Design and Technical Team –

This team designs the posters and websites. The team also focuses on mobile apps, social media pages, posts, etc.

3) Research and Project Advancement team-

This team initiates and inculcates theoretical skills into consensus.

4) Training and Development Team –

In coordination with other +teams, it organizes various interactive sessions and seminars. It also includes industrial visits and answers our queries related to training and internship issues.

5) Event And Coordination Team –

This team organizes events (various competitions) frequently within the department for a continuous check on the growth and development of the students.

6) Editorial Team –

This team is needed to publish press releases, articles, quarterly reports for EES, content required for magazines, and various other things related to maintaining society’s crowd base.

7) Sports And Cultural Team –

This team organizes various sports and cultural activities for the students, teaching staff, and non-teaching staff. 

Electrical Building


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