Mechanical Engineering
The department of Mechanical Engineering, being among the oldest branches of BIT Sindri, was started in the year 1949. Ever since then, it has been playing a vital role in offering and producing skilled engineers to compete in this upscaling industry. The department offers four years B. TECH degree courses, and Two years postgraduate program is also offered to lead to an M. Tech degree with a specialization in Heat Power Engineering, Machine Design, and Production Technology.
Ingraining challenges and innovation across many fields. It was established as a platform to showcase and enhance technical excellence in all areas of mechanical engineering. To provide industrial exposure Engaging topics like cutting-edge research and technology initiates overall development. In addition to that, The Mechanical Engineering Society was established, and it’s been 2-years since it’s been running.
And the society conducted many seminars, workshops, and technical events for the overall development of the students.
- Vision
- Mission
- PSOs
- PEOs
- Faculty
- Laboratories
- Workshops
- Achievements
To provide valuable resources for industry and society through excellence in technical education and research in mechanical engineering with moral values for the economic and sustainable growth of the country.
- To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in mechanical engineering
- To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and development in mechanical engineering of new technology.
- To provide a conducive environment for collaborative projects with academia and industries.
- To Promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
- To develop professional skills with ethical values.
PSO1: Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge of applied mathematics and advanced software tools for thermal, design specification, development such as fabrication, analysis such as testing, and operation of the physical systems, components, and processes involved in mechanical engineering.
PSO2: Graduates will demonstrate the knowledge, skill, and attitude to analyze the cause and effects of machine elements, processes, and systems.
PSO3: Able to pursue a career in mechanical and interdisciplinary fields.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Mechanical engineering graduates will have the strong fundamental technical knowledge and will be capable to develop core competency in diversified areas such as thermal engineering, design, production, industrial engineering, and allied fields with the use of various software tools like flow and thermal analysis, etc. to expand their knowledge horizon and inculcate lifelong learning.
Mechanical engineering graduates will have effective communication, leadership, team building, problem-solving, decision-making skills, and software and creative
skills by understanding contemporary issues thereby contributing to their overall personality and career development.
Mechanical engineering graduates will practice ethical responsibilities and service towards their peers, employers, and society and follow these precepts in their daily life.

Prof. (Dr.) Vijay Kumar Pandey
Head, Department of Mechanical Engg
BIT Sindri, P.O.: Sindri Institute, Sindri
Dist: Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India PIN: 828123
Phone: +91-9631658233
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Fax: +91-326-2350729

Hydraulics Lab
The hydraulics subject is engrossed in the Water networks and drainage side of infrastructure requirements. In hydraulics laboratory there is a range of experimental set-ups through which the students find the difference between the theoretical calculations and actual quantities of flow and its parameters in a pipe network or open channels.
The CAM/CAD cam labs help to build the knowledge and skills in the field of designing based on designing software with the aim of enhancing knowledge in CNC machines which is used to cut work pieces while they are rotating There are 14 sophisticated Laboratories for Product Design and Validation, Advanced Manufacturing, Test and Optimization, etc.

Solar Energy Lab
Our college has a Solar Energy Laboratory with state-of-the-Art Equipment and instruments facilities to carry out R&D and to evaluate the performance of Solar Photovoltaic and Solar. Thermal System in the field. This Solar Energy lab provides a chance to study the radiation characteristics of the sun and various methods of solar energy.
Material Testing Lab
Materials Testing is a range of highly precise and reliable techniques that deter mine and measure the characteristics of materials, and in Material Testing Lab, we learn about the mechanical properties of a material. Material testing lab is well equipped with digital machines.

Heat Transfer Lab
Heat Transfer laboratory provides fundamental and industrial knowledge about modes of heat transfer, like conduction, convection and radiation, and their application. The experimental setups available here are
- Natural convection apparatus
- Pin Fin apparatus.
- Emissivity Apparatus

Heat Engine Workshop
In thermodynamics and engineering, a heat engine is a system that converts heat or thermal energy to mechanical energy, which can then be used to do mechanical work. The state of art lab facility gives the students very good practical knowledge about heat engines and their working.
Fitting Workshop
The term Fitting is related to the assembly of parts, after bringing the dimension or shape to the required size or form, in order to secure the necessary fit. The operations required for the same are usually carried out on a workbench, hence the work is done on the bench is called Fitting work.

Smithy Workshop
A smithy is a place where blacksmiths do their work, heating, and shaping metal, especially to make tools. Smithy or Forging is the oldest shaping process used for producing small articles.
Carpentry Workshop
Carpentry and journey are common terms used with any class of work with wood. Our Carpentry Workshop is stocked with full-sized tools, as they are the only ones strong enough to carry out proper work Crow socially and emotionally through self-confidence, responsibility, appreciation for and others, and respect for materials and safety.

Automobile Workshop
The Automobile provides hands-on opportunities for students to work with automobile systems and subsystems, learning how to improve upon, drive trains power plants, steering systems braking mechanisms and safety issues
Vibration Workshop
Vibration Laboratory is a modern facility for performing a wide range of experiments in the field of vibration. The Lab supports undergraduate courses, postgraduate courses, research scholars, student projects and advanced experimental research.

Machine Workshop
Machine shop is aimed at the introduction of common processes used in industries for manufacturing processes. The machine tools typically include metal lathes, milling machines, machining centers, multitasking machines, drill presses, or grinding machines, many controlled with computer numerical control (CNC).