Mining Engineering
BIT Sindri’s Mining Technology Division was established by the Government of Bihar in 1975 to oversee the vast and diverse mineral reserves of Bihar (now Jharkhand). As a corollary of the nationalization of the mineral industry, in the 1970s there was also an urgent need to meet the need for large numbers of trained and qualified mining engineers. The department began by initially enrolling his 25 students in a four-year course, then expanded to 49 students per year by his AICTE in New Delhi. Since its establishment, the department has actively contributed with well-trained and effective products and experienced teachers in the field of coal and non-coal mining in management, planning, and research and development. The Department has the unique geographical advantage of being located between the main mining companies of the country as well as famous national and international research agencies and organizations such as BCCL, CCL, ECL, CMPDIL, CIMFR, IIT (ISM), TATA STEEL Ltd., SAIL, NML, etc. The Faculty is honored to enjoy the presence of such large and well-known institutions through the regular interaction of industry experts with students as well as faculty. The Faculty of Mining Engineering has, over its 44 years of existence, developed its own curriculum and extensive laboratory facilities that are relevant to the current requirements of the mining and related industries in the country and in the current context as per the global scene. The Faculty has laboratories with modern facilities, viz., Rock mechanics, Mining ventilation, Mine environmental engineering, Mining systems, Mining machinery, Mine surveying as well as Mine geology. Constantly striving to improve every aspect of the school, extracurricular and extracurricular activities to maintain its position among the top leagues in the country.
- Vision
- Mission
- PEOs
- PSOs
- Faculty
- Laboratories
- Facilities
Enhancing mining engineering research, education, and industry institution collaboration to international standards.
- Provide outstanding technical education for analysis, design, and operation of mining and materials systems.
- Keep abreast with rapid strides in technology and improve academic standers through innovative teaching and learning processes.
- Engage in quality research in Mining, materials, and allied engineering areas.
- Develop academic linkage with leading industries for mutual benefit.
On successful completion of under graduation in Mining Engineering, the graduates are expected to attain the following program educational objectives.
- Apply knowledge of basic sciences and Mining Engineering to extract minerals with due safety, conservation, and economy.
- Design and specify suitable work plans for efficient and clean mining systems under varying geo-mining conditions through a deep understanding of core and allied mining engineering.
- Work effectively an individual’s capacity and also as a team member or team leader in multidisciplinary projects. Pursue a continuous learning process to enhance competency through widening and deepening of knowledge base and skills for carrier growth.
At the end of the program, the student will:
- Able to clearly understand the concepts and applications in mining engineering and allied areas.
- Able to associate the learning from the courses related to underground and opencast mines, mining methods used in coal and metal mining project, mine surveying, mine environment and ventilation, rock mechanics and its application, mine safety engineering, and management, planning and design of greenfield and brownfield project.
- Able to have the capability to comprehend the technological advancements in the usage of modern design tools to analyze and design mining projects for a variety of applications.
- Able to possess the skills to communicate in both oral and written forms, the work is already done and the future plans with necessary road maps, demonstrating the practice of professional ethics and the concerns for societal and environmental wellbeing.

Prof. P.K. Singh , HOD & Professor
Ph.D. Hydrogeochemistry Patna University, M.Sc. Geology Patna University
Area of Specialization: Hydrogeochemistry
Phone No : +91-9123299611
E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Manas Kumar Mallick , Assistant Professor
B.Tech Mining Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar, M.Tech Mineral Processing IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, PhD-Mine Planning and Production Scheduling IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Area of Specialization: Mine Planning and Design, Production Scheduling, Mineral Processing and plant design, Surface Mining
Phone No : +91-8555916172
E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Neeraj Yadaw, Assistant Professor
B.E. Mining Engineering GEC Bilaspur M.Tech. Mining Engineering IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Area of Specialization:
- Mine Planning & Design
- Mine Environment Engineering
- Tunneling in hilly terrain.
Phone No : +91-9907996623
E-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Rizwan Hasim, Assistant Professor
PhD -Rock Mechanics IIT – BHU, M. Tech Mine Environment IIT – BHU, B. Tech Mining Engineering BIT, Sindri
area of Specialization:Rock Mechanics, Mine Planning and Design, Computer Application in Mining
Phone No : +91-9956428510
E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Roshan Kumar, Assistant Professor
Ph.D.(Pursuing) Mining Engineering(Rock Mechanics) I.I.T. Kharagpur, M.Tech. Mining Engineering(Rock Mechanics) I.I.T. BHU,Varanasi, B.Tech. Mining Engineering B.I.T Sindri
Area of Specialization: Rock Mechanics, Numerical Modeling, Blasting and Coal Mining Sustainability+
Phone No : +91-8877091602
E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Suman Hessa, Assistant Professor
B.Tech. Mining Engineering BIT Sindri, M.Tech. Mining Engineering IIT Kharagpur, PhD (pursuing) Mining Engineering (Mine Environment)IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Area of Specialization: Post mining liabilities, reclamation and social responsibilities
Phone No : +91-9546635375
E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Tanmay Dasgupta, Assistant Professor
Ph.D(Pursuing)-Mine Ventilation IIT(ISM)-DHANBAD, M. Tech Mine Environment IIT – BHU, VARANASI, B. E Mining Engineering GEC, BILSAPUR
Area of Specialization: Mine Environment, Mine Ventilation ,Coal Petrography, Coal Bed Methane, Mine Environmental Planning ,Mine Fire And Spontaneous Combustion.
Phone No : +91-8840144886
E-mail : [email protected]

Mr. Aditya Pandey, Assistant Professor Engineering, Mining, M.Tech. IIT Kharagpur
Area of Specialization: Mine ventilation.
Phone No : +91-9614919301
E-mail : [email protected]
- Mine Environment: From Methanometer to TDS, Bomb Calorimeter, High Volume Sampler Mine Environment Laboratory has many prevalent instruments in the Department.
- Mine Surveying: Mine Surveying laboratory is up-to-date with Theodolites, Total Station, Auto Level, GNSS, and all essential accessories and equipment.
- Mine Ventilation: Mine Ventilation laboratory has a Dry & Wet bulb hygrometer, different Flame Safety Lamps, G. L. Apparatus, Gas Chamber, and many other essential accessories, equipment, and instruments.
- Mining Machinery: Mining Machinery lab consists of different safety devices including the Tulu pump, Chain Pulley block, and transformer.
- Rock Mechanics: Rock Mechanics has one of the well-established laboratories with different rock and soil testing machines and tools. At present, the laboratory is having Compression testing machine, Core cutting machine, Crushing strength apparatus, Direct Shear apparatus, and many others with all the essential accessories.
- System Laboratory: System Laboratory also serves the purpose of Computer Application in Mining and Mine Planning & Design. The system laboratory has various Mining Software: Flac 3D, Earthworks, Auto-Cad, M.S. Project, SURPAC, and Visual FEA.
- Passed-out students from this Department are serving both in Industry and Academia.
- It includes Government as well Private Sectors such as Coal India Ltd.; Vedanta Resources and many other Mining Companies.
- Many of them are working in IITs and NITs.
- Department also offers Ph.D. program and has produced twelve PhDs to date.
- Department is very active in Material (Rock, Soil, and Concrete) testing of different organizations, Slope Stability, and other Mining projects. Lab facilities: The Department of Mining Engineering has well-equipped laboratories with sufficient numbers of conventional as well as modern instruments.